

Yassi sumka va dukni ko'tarish o'rtasidagi farq nima?

tik turgan sumka va   vatik turgan sumka.

Birinchisi -Tekis pastki sumka  

Ikkinchidan,tik turgan sumkatik turgan sumka. The bottom of the bag is designed to fold back, and is equipped with two sealing edges, and there is a sealing edge on each side, when the bottom is opened, the bag can operate independently. a o'rtasida ikkita farq bor  tik turgan sumka, umuman olganda. Birinchidan, pastki uchitik turgan sumka is not flat, and the lower end of the eight-sided seal is flat; Ikkinchisi shundaki, ularning o'rashning umumiy soni boshqacha, sonitik turgan sumka 4,  faqat 2 bo'lishi mumkin va  chekka 5. Umuman olganda, mustaqil tik turgan sumka; Biroq, narxi narxi 

Tekis pastki sumka bilan bir xil afzalliklarga egatik turgan sumka. First, they all have the ability to stand. They were able to maintain a stable standing posture regardless of whether they were filled with anything. Sotish yoki foydalanish uchunmi yoki ishlatilishi kerakmi, u bizga juda ko'p qulayliklar mavjud. Second, it has a delicate three-dimensional sense. The packaging products they provide are both high-end and generous, very eye-catching, and can leave unforgettable memories for people, which plays a key role in promoting the brand. Three, bag style. After filling the item, the vatik turgan sumka yaxshiroq tekislik va chiroyli ko'rinishni saqlab qolishi mumkin, bu boshqa sumkalar bilan mumkin emas. To'rtinchidan, qayta ishlatiladigan fermuar bilan jihozlangan bo'lishi mumkin, mijoz fermuarni yana ochishi yoki yopishi mumkin, qutida mos kelmaydi.

Yuborilgan vaqt: 2024 yil 01-avgust